Back To Basics With Javascript30

2017-06-10 --- 3 min --- Technology

Javascript30 Homepage
Javascript30 Homepage

I’ve been slacking with doing code at home for MONTHS. No excuse for it, just haven’t been doing it. Recently I’ve had a kick up the bum and decided to follow Wes Brown’s Javascript30 to ease myself back in and it’s free, which is my absolute favourite price.

The aim of Javascript30 is to get developers and designers more comfortable with Javascript fundamentals and working with the DOM without using a library.

No library, but…BUT…

Don’t panic! I’ve been using libraries and frameworks for a while now and quite frankly, I’m probably too reliant on them. Honestly, vanilla Javascript (ES6) is not that bad and sometimes you just need to keep it simple stupid.

So how’s it going so far?

JS Drumkit
JS Drumkit

I’ve just completed day one and created a drum kit (just want to say sorry to my neighbours for getting a bit too excited and playing with my newly built toy late into a Friday night 😜).

Now if the thought of building a Drumkit is intimidating, especially without a library, let me reassure you, it’s not that scary. In the end I wrote a grand total of 20 lines of Javascript. That’s including a 10 line playSound() function (see below).

function playSound(e) {
const audio = document.querySelector(`audio[data-key='${e.keyCode}']`);
const key = document.querySelector(`.key[data-key='${e.keyCode}']`);
if(!audio) return; // will stop the function from running altogether if there is no audio for that key
audio.currentTime = 0; // rewind to beginning;

Surprisingly I’d never used or even heard of the HTML5 <audio> element before and I have to say I love it! Especially after spending a day at work trying to figure out a sound engine. Doesn’t HTML5 just make the world a better place ☺️.

For day 2 we get to build a CSS and JS clock, maybe I’ll share it with you here. Or maybe you could join me and do Javascript30 too.

You can find my Drumkit here (it’s only on desktop btw) if you fancy a play. If you’d like to tell me about more HTML5 elements I’m missing out on just tweet me.