Playing with GSAP

2017-02-20 --- 1 min --- Technology

I’ve been working on an Intro to SVG Animation blog post on and off for a while now. So far I had only been researching the theory of it. This afternoon I had some free time (don’t tell my team lead) and I thought, I’m going to dive in head first into GSAP from Greensock. And I really do mean head first! I had no idea what I wanted to animate, I had no vision and most importantly I didn’t have a clue about using GSAP.

What is GSAP? - I hear you say

I’ll give a brief overview here. A more comprehensive description will be in the Intro to SVG Animation post. GSAP is a suite of tools for scripted animation.

So between meetings and doing a hotfix (there’s no rest for the wicked) I managed to produce this little animation:

See the Pen NdZZNj by Tanya Powell (@tanyapowell) on CodePen.

What do you think? Not bad for a first attempt if I say so myself 😊