Messy Hair - Yes I Do Care

2015-11-30 --- 3 min --- Black Girl Magic

Ok let’s start with some honesty, my hair is a damn mess right now. I haven’t taken care of it FOR months! Today is Monday and I haven’t ran a comb or brush since Friday morning. Yes I am ashamed, but you know…the first step is admittance.

At the moment my hair is dry + dry + dry = DRY. So how am I going to remedy this? By doing a homemade Pinterest hair conditioning mask of course.


  • Coconut Oil
  • Egg Yolk
  • Avocado
  • Honey

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil

This has been a hair trend for a minute now, but do you know what the benefits are? Coconut oil stimulates hair growth by getting deep into follicles. It promotes a healthy scalp and moisturises a dry scalp. Coconut oil adds luster, shine and softness to the hair whilst prevents hair breakage and split ends, contributing to hair length.

Egg Yolk

Egg Yolk
Egg Yolk

Egg yolks contain a high concentration of proteins, vitamins and nutrients. As a result it works as a natural conditioner resulting in smooth and shiny hair. The fatty acids can fight against dandruff and has amazing effects on dry, damaged hair. The vitamin A, D and E in eggs, helps in preventing hair loss, and at the same time they protect hair from pollution and UV rays.



Avocado contains many proteins and vitamins, including A, D, E and B6 as well as magnesium, folic acid, amino acids, copper and iron, all of which can help with both hair growth and nourishment.



Honey is a natural humectant, honey attracts moisture. It’s also full of antioxidants and nutrients to feed hair follicles that house the live part of hair, encouraging hair growth. That being said, it also needs a medium to help spread it around, otherwise you can end up with just a sticky mess, so the recipes include other natural ingredients that help you restore dry hair to a health and luster, from the scalp up.

What did I do?

So I mixed them all together without measuring (it’s my Jamaican way, we don’t measure we just pour!), but I did warm up the Coconut Oil so it was solid rather than liquid. I’m going to leave it on overnight, wake up early and wash it out, then do my usual co-wash.

Girls this works a treat and I highly recommend it. Our hair needs protein and moisture, especially in this weather. Give it a go and let me know what you think x