Making The Transition Part 3

2015-11-16 --- 2 min --- Technology

Ok wow! Really didn’t expect my career change post to resonate with people. I guess it’s something everyone can relate to, as it’s not just a story of changing careers but a story of making a life change.

Nandhini (one of the founders of WHFNP) just asked me an important question and I wanted to share the answer with the world.

How did you keep your motivation when you know the job was rotting you?

I had to remind myself everyday

There has to be more to life than this

This can be anything that’s causing you unhappiness in your life and I had to believe I deserved better. I also had to stop being comfortable being uncomfortable. Do you know what I mean? I had to make that rotting feeling uncomfortable again, stop being complacent and take ownership of my future. No one was going to make the change for me were they? Only I could do it and once I truly believed I deserved better and that daily feeling of absolute discomfort was back that was all the motivation I needed.

I was constantly on websites dissecting their functionality and thinking “wish I could do that” knowing that if I stayed where I was it was highly unlikely to happen. As my confidence began growing I realised “I think I can make that”. I’m slowly getting to the point where can say “I’m going to make that” and hopefully as it grows more I’ll one day say “I can make that better”. I can’t allow myself to become complacent ever again


Hope that helped Nandhini