Digital Marketing advice from a Software Engineer

2015-11-14 --- 1 min --- Technology

Twice this week I’ve been asked by friends for advice for improving their social media presence for their blogs. Both times I’ve paused and thought “what do I know I’m a software engineer? And my social media is a mess”. This slight doubt in my mind doesn’t stop me from giving advice and pointing them in a direction they could find useful.

Some Worthy Advice From Me To You
Some Worthy Advice From Me To You

Rather than saying what tools could help them (I’m a technologist and could babble about technology from now until the end of time) I ask them a simple question “what content would engage YOU?”

Surely that’s the key to marketing? Make your product/content relatable to your audience. So here’s 6 useful ways to market yourself from Michael Page:

  1. Identify a target audience
  2. Know your USP
  3. Have a way with words
  4. Show a little personality
  5. Keep your finger on the pulse
  6. Be web savvy

I know I’ll be using these tips to market myself in the future. What digital marketing tips do you have?