Making The Transition

2015-11-07 --- 2 min --- Technology

So the title could be a teeny weeny bit misleading, especially if you’re anything like me and spend far too much time following the Caitlyn Jenner transition from being Bruce or watching random BBC Three documentaries. This is not my coming out post. I have nothing to come out of! The transition I’m refering to is my career transition.

This chapter of my life started in 2012. I was working as a Presentation Scheduler on Alibi making sure all the commercial breaks, sponsorship, branding and most importantly the programmes were in the correct order and duration. I LOVE my old colleagues but the job was monotonous and my brain started to rot. At this time I was encouraged to change careers and start using my intelligence.

Ok so what’s a girl to do with her life:

  • Chef,
  • Professional Photographer,
  • Professional Blogger,
  • Marketer

Or I could make things with computers

In September 2012 I began my MSc in Software Engineering as a part time student whilst continuing my full time job as a Presentation Scheduler and graduated 10th November 2014 with a merit. Since then I have a new career as a full time Software Engineer and have been doing side projects ever since.

Welcome to my new life as a #womenintech and a Software Engineer.